Balsam Tolu Oil
Since balsam essential oil has a great relaxing and soothing effect, it is widely used by many aroma therapists for the treatment of anxiety, stress, mental strain,and insomnia. It has also a stimulating effect on heart, and therefore, it used to control the blood pressure.
Balsam oil has great anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. If you suffer from some any skin disease such as fungal infections, eczema, or rashes due to allergy, a gentle application of diluted balsam oil on the affected area will help in alleviating the condition. Ideally, the oil to should left on the skin for at least half an hour every day for a couple of weeks.
Balsam oil is also used for healing wounds and sore muscles. One of the major components of balsam essential oil, namely cinnamaldehyde reduces inflammation by restricting the multiplication of cells. Thus, it can be effective when applied on any affected area of the body. It is also very beneficial in the treatment of rheumatic pains.As a result of its wonderful fragrance, balsam essential oil finds use in the manufacture of high end luxury soaps, perfumes and cosmetic products.The balsam poplar is an excellent pain reducer and killer. By shredding the bark you can obtain a liquid to make cough syrup. The resin in the buds makes a wonderful treatment for dry and inflamed skin. It is also used to treat cuts, scraps, bruises, rashes, all types of skin problems, congestion from colds, and pimples. It can be used internally if prepared correctly. It is then used to treat coughs and scurvy. If not properly prepared for internal use it can cause severe stomach cramps; if this happens add ginger to stop the cramping. Balm of Gilead makes great massage oil. Mix it with a carrier oil such as sweet almond or grape seed oil.