Grapefruit Oil
Grapefruit essential oil is cold-pressed from the rind of ripe grapefruit. It is a yellow liquid with a fresh, sweet citrus aroma, considered uplifting and refreshing. Like essential oil of Lemon, grapefruit is cooling, cleansing, and decongestive, and can be beneficial for an overheated liver and sluggish lymph system. Further, the pleasing aroma has laboratory-confirmed appetite reducing effects.
Note that while grapefruit is found in several shades (cultivars): White, Pink, Ruby Red, etc., the quality of the fruit and the care taken in harvesting and pressing of the oil seems to play a much more significant role in the final essential oil than the cultivar of Grapefruit. This is a white grapefruit, which some folks dont expect to have a rich sweet-tart scent, yet nothing could be further from the truth. We have been told some of the worlds finest Grapefruit can be found in Israel, and it reflects in the quality if this oil -- it is absolutely the best Grapefruit essential oil weve ever come across, by far.
Like many of the citrus oils, it has a unique fat dissolving characteristic. This is the essential oil most noted for use in reducing cellulite, (it can be used by itself, or in a carrier and massaged into those areas) and can be included in massage blends for this application. It has been shown in laboratory studies to increase the metabolism of adipose tissue (fat cells, and specifically brown fat cells.) It is also very useful for cleansing oily skin and helping with acne due to its astringent nature. Key natural constituents of the oil are Limonene and Myrcene.