The plant is known to contain essential oil, starch, resins, organic acids, glycosides, albumen, saccharides and chemicals like sitosteroland, furanoid, diterpene-hedychenone and 7- hydroxyhedychenone. These chemicals are stimulates the carminative, emmenagogue, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, aromatic, astringent, stimulant, stomachic and tonic properties in the plant which are very useful in treatment of several ailments and makes it medicinally very important.
Medicinal Uses
Hedychium possess a number of medicinal properties that enables the plant for the treatment of various ailments. Some of the important medicinal values of the plant can be listed as: The plant is known for the treatment of several liver disorders.Some diseases like treating fevers, vomiting and diarrhea can be treated with the help of Hedychium.This is very effective in case of inflammation and pain. It is used for the treatment of snakebite.The roots are useful in treatment of bronchitis and alleviating pain.The roots are also helpful in treating asthma and internal injuries.the plant is quite effective in the treatment of nasal polyps, fever and worm infections. The plant is effectively used for the treatment of arthritis It is also helpful in relieving from general pain Gulbakawali Ark, an ayurvedic medication made from this plant is used for the treatment of eye disorders such as cataracts.The plant is quite effective in case of indigestion and poor circulation of blood.
Description of Hedychium oil:
It is an annual herb with horizontal root-stock and tubesous root fibres, leaves are 30cms or at times more than that in length. Flowers ascending and densed and of yellow in color. Inflorescene is spiked. Capsule is globose. The rhizomes are aromatic with bitter camphorous taste.
Aromatherapy uses:
Some of the properties include bactericide, fungicide, stomachic, tonic and expectorant. It is also used as febrifuge, excitant and anti-rheumatic in the Ayurvedic system. It has been prescribed and used in treatment of headache, lancinating pain, contusion, inflammatory and intense pain due to rheumatism etc. It is used in nausea, liver disorder, bronchial asthma, halitosis and vomiting. Also useful in diminished appetite, hiccups, local inflammation etc