Hyssop Oil
Hyssop Essential Oil is a colorless liquid with a sweet, camphoraceous top note and warm-spciy herbaceous undertone. The herb has been traditionally used for perhaps a thousand years for its antiseptic, disinfecting, and anti-infectious properties.
Hyssop is considered one of the strongest anti-viral essential oils. It contains natural molecules from nearly every class of compounds found in therapeutic essential oils, yet it is still quite gentle. It is one of the oils recommended for treatment of herpes simplex, and can work effectively for many other viral infections. It may be used from a nebulizing diffuser, or on the accupressure/reflexology points of the feet associated with the illness.
Hyssop oils primary use in aromatherapy has been for respiratory and digestive complaints, and externally for rheumatism, bruises, sores, earache and toothache. It has also been used to regulate blood pressure and as a general nerve tonic relieving states of anxiety or hysteria. Hyssop is listed in the current British Herbal Pharmacopoeia for bronchitis and the common cold.