Night Queen OIl ( Raat Rani Attar)
Raat Rani attar is made from the flowers of Cestrum Nocturnum with a base note of sandalwood oil. It doesnt contain alcohol or artificial chemicals. This attar has a distinct aroma having strong but sweet scent. It is also considered as the most powerfully scented attars in the world. The most use of the Raat Rani attar is in perfumery products.Commonly known as Raat ki Rani possesses an extremely good fragrance, which can be felt from a long distance. The flower produces fragrance from evening to midnight and after that it gradually reduces. Another advantage of this flower is that mosquitoes are kept at bay. Its fragrance makes the person drowsy and puts one to sleep.
TRADITIONAL PREPARATION: C. nocturnum leaves are dried and smoked, either alone or in a blend. Fresh or dried leaves may also be steeped in hot or boiling water to create a tea. However, no information regarding dosage is known at this time.
RADITIONAL USES: In Central and South America, local species of Cestrum have been used as teacher plants and medicine for quite some time. The plant is also used as a stupefying charm medicine in the West Indies.
MEDICINAL USE: The Yucatec Maya place C. nocturnum leaves and flowers in hot baths as a treatment for night sweats. In Mexican folk medicine, an extract of the leaves is used to treat epilepsy and other seizure disorders, as well as headaches and nervous imbalances.