Nutmeg Oil
Nutmeg oil is extracted from an evergreen tree that grows up to 20 meters (65 feet) with dense foliage and small dull-yellow flowers. Nutmeg oil is processed from nutmeg obtained from Haarispatttuwa in the hilly regions of Sri Lanka, Partially matured and dried (cured) nutmegs give the best oils and highest yields. The Nutmeg resembles a small peach and the oil is obtained from the kernel of the seeds. Nutmeg was used by the Indians for intestinal disorders, by the Egyptians in embalming and by the Italians during the Plague.Nutmeg oil is used in soap, candle making, dental products and for Cooking.
The therapeutic effects of nutmeg are numerous. Nutmeg if used as a seasoning can stimulate the cardiovascular system, it promotes concentration, it is valued as an anti-flammatory agent, reducing swelling of the joints.
Nutmeg is often prescribed for the liver; it helps the liver remove toxins. It has a calming effect on the stomach, it helps alleviate the symptoms of indigestion, and nausea and vomiting and help get rid of diarrhea.