The Essential Oil of Geranium is extracted through steam distillation of stem and leaves of Geranium plant, bearing scientific name Pelargonium Odorantissimum. The main components of this oil are Alpha Pinene, Myrcene, Limonene, Menthone, Linalool, Geranyl Acetate, Citronellol, Geraniol and Geranyl Butyrate.The health benefits of Geranium Essential Oil can be attributed to its properties like astringent, haemostatic, cicatrisant, cytophylactic, diuretic, deodorant, styptic, tonic, vermifuge and vulnerary etc.The Essential Oil of Geranium has a lot to offer in terms of health. We can benefit from the following properties of Geranium Oil.
Astringent: The main function of an astringent is to induce contractions. Accordingly Geranium Oil, being an astringent, makes the gums, muscles, intestines, skin, tissues and blood vessels to contract. This may be helpful in many ways. It can prevent muscles and skin from hanging loose, untimely loosening and fall of teeth, wrinkles and can even stop haemorrhage by contracting blood vessels.Anti Bacterial & Anti Microbial: This property does not let bacteria or microbes develop on wounds and otherwise and keeps you safe from infections.
Haemostatic: Geranium Oil can stop haemorrhage in two ways. First, being an astringent, it causes contraction of blood vessels and helps stop flow of blood, as discussed above. Second, being a Haemostatic, it speeds up coagulation or clotting of blood.
Cicatrisant: Everybody wants that his or her skin to be free from scars and after marks of fat-cracks, surgeries, boils and acne or pox. It is a Cicatrisant, that is, it helps the scars and other spots on skin to fade and vanish. It facilitates blood circulation just below the surface of skin and also helps make distribution of melanin uniform.
Cytophylactic: Geranium Oil promotes cell health and also encourages recycling of dead cell and regeneration of new cells. This helps in the growth of the body cells as well as gametes.Diuretic: This oil has diuretic properties, which means that it increases urination. Now here is something you should know. Urination is one of the three natural ways and is the most effective way of removal of toxins from the body. These toxins are urea, uric acid, bile salts, pathogens and other synthetic or chemical substances, heavy metals, pollutants and even sugar. Moreover, each time you urinate, fats amounting to 4 of the volume of urine and excess water are also removed from the body. Urination also aids digestion and prohibits formation of gases in the intestine. It is also an effective way of removal of excess acids and bile secreted in the stomach. Urination also reduces blood pressure because the more you urinate, more the sodium is removed and blood pressure is reduced.
Vulnerary: Geranium Oil speeds up healing of wounds, cut and surgical incisions. This property makes it a vulnerary. Perhaps, it is due to its other properties like Haemostatic, Styptic, Anti Bacterial, Anti Microbial and Cytophylactic.Other Benefits: It can be fruitful if employed in treatment of acne, dermatitis and other skin diseases etc, infections of nose, throat and other respiratory organs, eczema, neuralgia, burns, ulcers, tonsillitis, Post Menopause Syndrome etc. Further, it has great mental uplifting effects and can be very effective in treating depression, anxiety, anger etc.
Few Words of Caution: It can have sensitizing effects in rare cases. Since it influences certain hormone secretions, it is therefore not advised for pregnant ladies.