Garlic oils were the first of its ingredients to be discovered and manufactured about 70 years ago. Later, other properties and ingredients came to the forefront offering great health benefits. Stabilized Allicin (an organic compound) found in garlic is a unique extract and exhibits antibacterial and anti fungal properties. This organic compound is found particularly helpful in reducing symptoms of Atherosclerosis, a disease affecting arterial blood vessels.
Other health benefits of Garlic Oil include reduction of fat deposition and blood sugar, besides being an antioxidant having anti-thrombotic and anti-inflammatory properties.Garlic oil is prepared in two ways. One way is to steam crush garlic and capture the oil that gets released as a result of the allicin breaking down into sulphides. To obtain about a gram of garlic oil, nearly one pound of garlic needs to be processed. The other way is to macerate garlic and keep it in incubation for about 24 hours in vegetable oil and remove the pieces of garlic from the vegetable oil after 24 hrs are over. Garlic macerate oil is rich in ajoene, having a natural antibiotic property and is especially useful in reducing the platelet aggregation.