Jasmine Auriculatum Absolute
Jasmine auriculatum absolute has a beautiful, rich, floral aroma that is irresistible. Jasmine absolute is used to treat depression, insomnia, nervous tension and infertility. Its aroma is soothing and calming and can bring about a restful state to those who are suffering from emotional trauma. Jasmine absolute is said to act as an aphrodisiac. Dilute the absolute in jojoba and use the diluted blend to fragrance your most special and most sensual formulations. Sold by weight.
Medicinal Uses:
The Jasmine flower forms a vital ingredient of almost all ayurvedic medicines owing to its diverse curing qualities. Specifically it is used to remove intestinal worms It is considered to be an apt and biological cure for jaundice and other venereal diseases.The flower buds help in treatment of ulcers, vesicles, boils, skin diseases and eye disorders. The leaves extracts against breast tumours. Drinking Jasmine tea regularly helps in curing cancer Its oil is very effective in calming and relaxing.
Other Uses of jasmine Flower... The scented flowers are used for making perfumes and incense.The flowers are also flavor Jasmine tea and other herbal or black tea. Its oil is also used in creams, shampoos and soaps. It is considered to be a great skin toner and conditioner. In India Jasmine flowers are stringed together to make garlands Women in India wear this flower in their hair. Especially in south India, Jasmine flowers are an integral part of their decoration of hair. Some communities even use this flower to cover the face of the bridegroom.People use the Jasmine flowers as religious offerings to the gods like Lord Shiva And Lord Vishnu.